Welcome to my mediocre plane of existence

Guh how did you get here?

Click somewhere or the music wont start!!!

Current song: ミラクルミュージカル - Labyrinth (Instrumental)

if for some ungodly reason the wrong song is playing hold shift and hit the refresh button!

Add me to your page :3

The stupid chimera in question


It is I, Luna Sanchez, the most overrated cosmic being to ever walk this mortal coil, welcome to my humble corner of the internet, make yourself at home, no we dont have any food sorry :c

Self-taught programmer (probably explains why im so bad at it), pixel and regular artist, low-poly 3D shenanigans, professional procrastinator, meows too much at people, not much else to say really, oh well.


Pronouns? Sorry, all my nouns are amateurs
